Monday, October 27, 2008

Labour... whoever said it was fun is CRAZY!!

So... it's 1am on Friday 24th October and I can't sleep because I am having this funny feeling in my tummy... I'm in LABOUR!!
I got up as quietly as I could so that I didn't wake up Jason and went and sat out on the computer. Little did I know that 8 hours later I would be in the hospital with a newborn daughter!
Jason and I hung out at home until about 5.30am just to make sure that the contractions were real... they were! We were timing them and monitoring how long they were lasting, but I was pretty sure that we were going to need to head to the hospital.

I called the delivery hotline and they confirmed our suspicions and so we headed into the hospital. We arrived there at 6am and were put into a monitoring room where the nurse checked on Kayle's heart beat and my contractions.
The contractions weren't too bad at first, but the certainly got stronger. Once they nurses realised that my labour was progressing extremely quickly they moved us into a delivery room.
This is Kayle's delivery station where they put her after she is born to make sure she is AOK.
Coping with the contractions was OK, Jason was amazing. He helped me stay focused on relaxing and breathing the right way. His sister, Jesi, was also with me to help, just in case Jason needed a break... there were no breaks because Kayle was born so Quickly! Jesi really helped me focus too, it was great having her there to support Jason and help out.
Here in America they give you a drug called an Epidural that numbs your legs so that you don't feel the pain as bad. I didn't want any drugs, I really wanted to have Kayle the natural way... Keep reading to see how I got on!
This is the controls that were on my bed... they person is a little pregnant lady!
How funny is that!
These are my contractions on paper... having them monitored was great because Jesi would tell me when they were subsiding so I knew the pain was going away... for about 45 seconds until the next one started!
The nurse gave me oxygen because they were worried about Kayle's heart beat... at one point they had problems finding it with the monitor but we worked out it was the position that my legs were in. I had to move into a slightly different position so that they could continually have Kayle's heart beat on the monitor.
After 45 minutes of good old pushing, Kayle came right on out... it was SO amazing!
Painful... but amazing!

The doctor gave her straight to me and Jason and I got to have her all to ourselves for a little while so we could get to know our new daughter.

Here she is.. all 7lbs and 1 oz of her! She was beautiful even covered in gunk!
The nurse took her away to clean her up so that she was a little bit nicer to hold.The new addition... Kayle Lily Kyser!
This si the 'Celebration Dinner' that we got given by the hospital... it was yummy Mango Chicken with roasted potatoes and broccoli, a little salad, dinner roll and yummy cheesecake! The best bit was the Sparkling Cider... it was yummy. It came in a mini champagne bottle! The proud dad!

So... did I have any drugs... NO!
I had a totally natural labour and child brith! The IV in my hand was for fluids only because I was being sick and couldn't keep down anything, not even water.


Becca Lame said...

You are very brave! I couldn't do it!! She is beautiful!!!

Sarah said...

I'm SO PROUD of you! Well done! Anytime you want to chat, cry, vent, laugh... give me a call!