Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fruit Picking....3 in the basket... 1 in the mouth!

Today, Kayle, Mum, Linda and Lillie went fruit picking! It was so much fun! We drove to this awesome farm that grows EVERYTHING and hit the fruit. We went for the raspberries first!
It was really sunny so we had to make sure we were all protected from the sun, especially me!

Kayle and Lillie were ready to go!

And they were off... the were picking the low ones and I was picking the high ones!
We had a motto... every time we put 3 raspberries in the pot, we could eat one! We were stuffed!

We had a quick drink and snack break and then it was on to the Strawberries!

We made our way to, what we thought was the only strawberry patch... to find it picked bare! So, we picked a few almost ripe ones and decided to head home. As we were leaving, we saw a lady with a huge pot of delicious red ripe strawberries... come to find, there is another HIDDEN strawberry patch just over the road! So, we head over there!

By this time, Kayle and Lillie had just about had enough so they entertained themselves by playing in the dust and stones while Mum and I picked the strawberries.
Needless to say, they were tired by the end of the day!

We thought everyone should sample the products before we paid for them!

Once we were all done paying, we headed to ths fantastic local pub for a yummy lunch!
All in all, another GREAT day out!

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