Saturday, September 30, 2006

Jonah continues to grow

And so he continues to amaze... he is such a smiler! He loves lying on his back and kicking and kicking and swinging his arms all over the place!

He is hilarious when he really gets started kicking... he looks like a duracell bunny on over drive!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jonah holds his head up

Jonah never ceases to amaze... he is holding up his head and looking around already! He is so active and alert already!

We can't wait to see what he does when he is a few months older!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Girls beach day

A day at the beach with the girls from
my church lifegroup was fun, fun, fun
in the sun!

We all met at my house and then headed down to Salt Creek for some quality sunbathing time!

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Lake Arrowhead & the 3 bears

Jason and I headed to Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear for a long weekend to relax and chill out.

We stayed in a cute little cottage bed and breakfast called 'The Storybook Inn'. We were lucky enough to get the 3 Bears Room. The Night photo is from the restaurant where we stayed. We had the best dinner there... even though it was a little expensive!

We also went to see Big Bear Lake. I'd never been there before and it was fun to see where all the rich people in LA go to ski
and snowboard! Not really that much there except some really expensive shops! (Can I complain about the price of everything anymore!)

Jason and I drove up into the forest to have a look around. I felt like we were off roading because the truck was bouncing about everywhere... It was hilarious! We looked and looked and looked for a quiet little spot to chill out and so Jason could have a nap and I could read my book... as soon as we found a wicked little
place... it started raining!! Just our luck!

Never the less, we had a great weekend just chilling out with each other and doing nothing more than spending money at the really expensive places!